A Successful Direct Marketing Campaign for Saline Memorial
In today’s digital world, we expect immediate and tangible results from our marketing campaigns. We want to know who’s getting our materials, when they’re getting them and whether our messages were effective. If our campaigns don’t go as planned, we want to be able to modify our strategy, retarget and relaunch.
Before Saline Memorial Hospital came to Magna IV, it was sending outmarketing materials without the capability to know whether its results were successful. Were the postcards encouraging residents to schedule appointments at the hospital? Was Saline Memorial getting any additional website hits? There was no way for its marketing department to know.
That’s when former account executive at Magna IV, Pat Golding, stepped in to suggest a direct marketing campaign, to better target new residents in specific zip codes within the hospital’s geographic region by mailing postcards with personalized websites (PURLS).
Magna IV also helped modify and manage Saline Memorial’s lists to eliminate duplicates and prevent any unnecessary postcards from being printed or sent out.
With full-time programmers on staff and new marketing automation software, Magna IV was able to create an online landing page and dashboard with real time email alerts and detailed reporting. The entire campaign can be tracked 24/7. This helped Saline Memorial’s Marketing Department to monitor response rates, submit health forms or schedule appointments, as needed. The new residents also had the option to submit their information by filling out a panel on the mail piece and mailing back in an enclosed business reply envelope. Magna IV also acquires, modifies and manages Saline Memorial’s lists to eliminate duplicates and prevent any unnecessary postcards being printed and mailed.
Magna IV helped lead Saline Memorial Hospital through the entire process to ensure its transition to the new direct marketing campaign was as seamless as possible. It helped Saline Memorial better manage its lists—not only saving it time, but hundreds of dollars in unnecessary printing and postage costs. Once again showing that Magna IV will always provide its clients with what they need when they need it. Account Executive Brittany Loyd has since taken over the Saline Memorial account. Contact Brittany with Magna IV today at 501-376-2397.